When it comes to enhancing the comfort and energy efficiency of your home, one often-overlooked yet crucial element is your thermostat. If you’re still relying on an outdated thermostat, it might be time for an upgrade. In this step-by-step installation guide, we’ll walk you through the process of upgrading your old thermostat to a modern, more efficient model. Whether you’re considering Veris thermostats or any other brand, this guide will help you make the switch with confidence.

Assessing Your Current Thermostat

Before proceeding with the thermostat upgrade, it’s essential to understand why your current thermostat may need replacing. Older thermostats, especially those that are not programmable or smart, often come with several limitations. They may struggle to maintain consistent temperatures, resulting in discomfort and inefficient energy usage. Inaccurate temperature readings can lead to your HVAC system running longer than necessary or turning off prematurely, causing temperature fluctuations.

Consider the following issues when assessing your current thermostat:

  • Temperature Inconsistencies: Are you frequently adjusting your thermostat to combat temperature fluctuations? Does your home have hot or cold spots that your current thermostat can’t address?
  • Lack of Programming: Can you program your thermostat to follow your daily routine and adapt to your lifestyle? If not, you may be missing out on potential energy savings.
  • Limited Control: Does your thermostat offer remote access? The ability to control your thermostat from your smartphone or computer is a game-changer when it comes to convenience and energy efficiency.
  • Energy Efficiency: Is your current thermostat contributing to energy waste? Newer models are designed to optimize heating and cooling, reducing energy consumption and environmental impact.

By addressing these concerns and recognizing the limitations of your old thermostat, you’ll be better prepared to make an informed decision about upgrading to a more advanced and energy-efficient model.

Choosing the Right Thermostat

Selecting the perfect thermostat for your home is a critical step in the upgrade process. The market offers various options, each with its unique features and capabilities. Whether you opt for Veris thermostats, Dwyer thermostats, or another reputable brand, consider the following factors:

  • Compatibility: Ensure that the thermostat you choose is compatible with your existing HVAC system. Different systems may require specific thermostat types, so compatibility is vital.
  • Type of Thermostat: Decide whether you want a smart thermostat or a programmable one. Smart thermostats offer remote access, learning capabilities, and integration with smart home systems. Programmable thermostats allow you to create custom schedules to suit your routine.
  • Features: Look for features that align with your lifestyle and energy-saving goals. Some thermostats offer features like geofencing (adjusting settings based on your location), voice control, and humidity monitoring. Assess which features are essential for your needs.
  • Ease of Use: Consider the thermostat’s user interface and how easy it is to program and adjust settings. Intuitive interfaces can save you time and frustration.
  • Energy Efficiency: Evaluate the thermostat’s energy-saving capabilities. Many models offer energy reports and insights into your HVAC system’s performance, helping you make informed decisions to reduce energy consumption.
  • Warranty and Support: Check the manufacturer’s warranty and available customer support. A reliable warranty can provide peace of mind, and responsive customer support can be invaluable if you encounter any issues during installation or use.

By carefully considering these factors, you can choose a thermostat that not only meets your current needs but also aligns with your long-term energy efficiency and comfort objectives. A well-informed decision ensures that your thermostat upgrade is a worthwhile investment in your home’s sustainability and convenience.

Gathering Necessary Tools

Before you start the installation, make sure you have all the necessary tools and materials on hand. You’ll typically need a screwdriver, wire labels, a level, pliers, and a drill with bits. Ensure that you’ve turned off the power to your HVAC system from the circuit breaker to safely proceed with the installation. Having everything prepared in advance will streamline the process and prevent interruptions.

Preparing Your HVAC System

Safety should always come first when working with electrical components. Begin by turning off the power to your HVAC system from the circuit breaker to avoid any electrical mishaps. Next, remove the cover of your old thermostat to access the wiring. Carefully label each wire according to its terminal, making it easier to connect them correctly to the new thermostat. This step ensures a smooth transition from the old to the new system.

Installing the New Thermostat

Installing the new thermostat involves connecting the labeled wires to their corresponding terminals on the new device. Most modern thermostats come with clear, user-friendly instructions. Use a level to ensure the thermostat is mounted perfectly straight, which not only looks better but also ensures accurate temperature readings. Once the wiring and mounting are complete, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to power up and configure your new thermostat.

Configuring Settings

After installation, take some time to configure the settings of your new thermostat. This may include setting the desired temperatures, configuring scheduling options, and connecting the thermostat to your home’s Wi-Fi network, if applicable. By customizing these settings, you can optimize your HVAC system’s performance and tailor it to your daily routine for maximum comfort and energy efficiency.

Testing and Troubleshooting

To ensure everything is functioning correctly, test your new thermostat by adjusting the temperature settings and monitoring how your HVAC system responds. If you encounter any issues, refer to the troubleshooting section of the user manual provided by the manufacturer. Common issues may include wiring errors or compatibility problems, but most can be resolved with the guidance provided.


Upgrading your old thermostat is a simple yet impactful way to enhance the comfort of your home while reducing energy consumption. Whether you opt for Veris thermostats, Dwyer thermostats, or any other reputable brand, the installation process is manageable with the right tools and guidance. By taking this step toward modernization, you’ll enjoy greater control over your indoor environment and contribute to a more energy-efficient future.